Google Panda 4.1- How’s it different from last 26 updates?

Google Panda 4.1 is the 27th update that rolled out in the last week of September. The news was confirmed last Sunday through a Google+ post by Pierre Far. A slow rollout has been reported that may take a week at least to put into effect completely.


The search giant seems to have discovered new signals based on user feedbacks & webmasters views and panda 4.1 will evaluate content based on that. The new Panda is believed to have better eye for low quality content. As per the announcement made by Google the update is expected to boost the search engine rankings of small and medium sized sites that offer good quality content.

Around 3-5% queries based on location are affected till now. It’s tough to predict the actual loss and benefit caused by panda 4.1 yet but this list of winners & losers by search metrics gives an overview of immediate impact of the update.

Do you know how Google Panda 4.1 has affected your website?

Request for Website Check to know

As an SEO firm, Ably Soft has analyzed all aspects of the latest Panda update and we view it as a stronger version of Google Panda 4.

Tell us how you faced this update and share your opinions below in comments.

Amazon Delivery Drones – Get Ready to Receive Orders in 30 Minutes

Amazon is all set to test its delivery drones in India. The service that is expected to deliver goods within 30 minutes at every doorstep will be tested in Mumbai & Bangalore first. The drones will not carry orders above 2.26 kg & are expected to be seen around festive season in October.

Although announced in 2013 by Amazon, the service is likely to get launched by 2015 in USA as FAA’s rules have to be met before that. India has less tough laws to govern civil aviation so for Amazon, India is believably the right place to carry out this testing.

Same day delivery was already a highpoint for Amazon and with this 30 minutes delivery it’s going to raise the bar even higher. With Flipkart expanding its prospects in Indian retail, it’s tough to predict whether Amazon’s move to test delivery drones in India is directly related with easy aviation rules or hints to the brimming ecommerce competition.

Share with other shoppers – What do you expect out of this quickest delivery service? Tell us in comments.

Expedia Becomes A New York City Hotel After Google’s Pigeon Local Update

Google released a major local search algorithm update, we named Pigeon. Google told us the new algorithm will lead to a more useful and relevant experience for searchers seeking local results.

But like with any new algorithm launch, there are always bugs, unexpected outcomes and less relevant results.

A search for [New York Hotels] in Google brings up the local carousel, with hotel options you’d expect, and some you wouldn’t expect.

We have the Sheraton, Hilton, Marriott and others. But we also have Expedia, the travel search engine, coming up as a hotel you can purchase a stay at for a night or two. Why?

If you looked at Expedia’s Google+ local listing you would have seen it is listed in the travel category. Someone at Google recently changed it to a “Corporate Headquarters” category. This should fix the issue and no longer bring up Expedia in the search results for that query, over time.

Google was made aware of the issue and they acknowledged that this is not the expected outcome from the new local search algorithm. They are indeed working on fixing the results and improving them over time.

Source –  Google: Web Search | Top News


Content Marketing Optimization: Focus on ‘Critical Few’ Metrics

A growing problem with the rapidly rising tide of data content marketers are swimming in these days is it’s becoming much easier to become overwhelmed and drown. Much like an inexperienced swimmer struggling to stay afloat in the water as it rises overhead, problems are often rooted in not knowing what to do next. What’s even more unfortunate is when we drown in data, there are usually no lifeguards to save us.

However, the great news is we can learn to swim, and this is precisely why I like to remind the organizations I partner with to focus on what Avinash Kaushik refers to as the “critical few” metrics of success. This suggestion always resonates deeply with marketers.

The critical few metrics strategy involves focusing on no more than three or four ways to measure the business outcome of the work we do in content marketing. The fewer, the better — this is one area where you will get bonus points for keeping it simple!

The beauty of the critical few metrics concept is it forces us to think about business outcomes instead of obsessing over the full complement of raw data typically available to us when we log into our analytics platforms. In addition, focusing on outcomes allows us to communicate more successfully with leadership — business decision-makers love to hear about outcomes… and tend to glaze over when presented with raw data. How many times have you shared the most recent numbers with someone in leadership, only to hear them say something like, “That’s great… but what does a higher number of sessions mean to the business?

The tricky part is knowing which critical few metrics will be most important to your organization. While this varies across business types for far too many reasons to address here, for content marketing optimization purposes, we can certainly make a couple of assumptions as we explore the subject in more detail. Hopefully the knowledge gained will help you find your own critical few and grow incrementally better at measuring and communicating success.

It’s all about the Benjamins

Some friends and I were feeling quite patriotic as we stood around at our Fourth of July barbeque and eventually found ourselves discussing the Declaration of Independence and the idea of truths that are self-evident. Later that evening, as I lay in bed (wide-awake and wishing I had exercised less freedom over the amount of grilled meat and ice cream I had consumed), this conversation led me to ponder business truths that (I hope) are self-evident — particularly my personal favorite: Business truly is all about the money. To be successful, every single thing we do in any business, whether we’re selling hot dogs and hamburgers or strategy consulting services, must have a direct line to one overriding business need: creating economic value.

In the name of simplicity, it may be tempting to call the creation of economic value the first of our critical few metrics of success. However, I think we can get away with digging just a little deeper. Just below the surface there are two separate but equally important functions that roll up to creating economic value:

  1. Increased revenue (marketing and sales)
  2. Increased profitability (finance and operations)

Revenue: Many incredibly talented and valued content marketers can get tripped up on the revenue side of things. After all, truly exceptional content marketing is about creating quality content, not direct economic benefit (right?). It’s a long game, where we care more about engagement and less about selling. And even when we think about our work in the context of conversion, we are really just thinking about moving leads into and through the top of the funnel. Phases of the buying cycle are often referred to as awareness, consideration, and deliberation — not “getting the user to click the ‘buy now’ button.”

As both a content creator and a strategy consultant who helps marketers decide on the right mix of tactics for communicating with their customers, I naturally have mixed feelings. In an ideal world it would be wonderful if all we were measured on is clarity of message, grammatical quality and/or production value, and whether it’s going to help anybody. The truth is much less difficult to measure, but it’s not as simple as more sessions, a lower bounce rate, or longer duration page views.

In the context of sales, the secret to determining what the critical few measures are for any organization lies in understanding what a typical customer’s buying cycle looks like — and it’s even better if you know what it looks like for each of your buyer personas.

If you ask your organization for this information and they don’t have it, there’s no need to despair. It just means it’s time to stop the presses and generate a customer journey map that illustrates the phases a customer will encounter as they go from first becoming aware they have a need for your products or services all the way through to the point of purchase and beyond. Once armed with this knowledge, it’s truly easy to come up with the outcomes-based metrics your company’s leaders want to see and hear as a result of your content marketing.

Profitability: The other aspect of creating economic value I mentioned earlier is profitability. It may also be necessary to do some digging to understand how content marketing is ultimately impacting this end of the business, but it will almost certainly be worth it.

For instance, let’s say it costs your company $5 to print and ship a big, full-color brochure. If the how-to blog your content marketing team publishes leads to 100,000 potential customers downloading the brochure as a PDF (i.e., saving you printing and shipping costs), that’s a $500,000 argument for the efficacy of your work.

Another great example is the cost of email lists. Purchased from a reputable supplier, a high-quality, legitimate source of targeted, opt-in email addresses can be as high as $1,000 CPM, or $1 per email address. If that same how-to blog your group is publishing generates 10,000 new, legitimate and needed email subscribers a month then, as you may realize, you just saved the organization $120,000 per year (never mind how much more qualified your organically grown email list will be).

Use critical few metrics to rally the team

Improved reporting to leadership is obviously important, but there are other reasons to do a better job of understanding the critical few metrics and their role in content marketing optimization. For instance, once armed with a clean and simple understanding of the business impact content marketing is having on your organization’s top and bottom line in the aggregate, it’s a great time to leverage this information to get your content team excited about the work they do as individuals and as a team.

When I first began my career as a content creator, I wrote for a fairly high-traffic online magazine but was not paid for my work. I had an interest in writing, but no formal education or experience. This ad-supported publication had a need for content and a willingness to give me a crash-course in essential writing skills, so long as I was willing to take direction without argument.

At the time, the lack of pay didn’t bother me, and the relationship worked. But truthfully, what really excited me — and kept me going as my writing improved and the value of instruction decreased proportionately — was very simple: Once a week, the publisher sent out a report to all the contributors that included top content and engagement with content for the week, as well as aggregate numbers about the continued growth of the publication’s viewership. On a side note, this email also contained the publication’s weekly reminder of the editorial calendar for the coming weeks — something we paid much closer attention to, since it was attached to the numbers.

Later in life, when I started getting paid to write, I contributed to a trade publication that did not share any information about the downstream outcomes associated with our work. In spite of being paid, it wasn’t long before it became very challenging to prioritize my work for them and remain interested in the subject matter. I suggested they share traffic data to rally the team, but they couldn’t understand why this information would matter to us. Making the situation worse, I eventually learned (through unofficial channels) about the tremendous economic value some of my work had created — work that I was not being credited for within the organization. My disinterest turned to resentment, and we eventually parted ways. I don’t know if they recognized the loss in financial terms, but I know they were very sorry to see me leave. Sadly, what was done was done, and it was hard to bounce back from the damage this simple lack of openness had created.

Recently, I helped another organization grow an incredibly successful content marketing department with internal contributors whose full-time responsibilities lay elsewhere. This group started with only three people, but leadership celebrated their individual victories across the organization openly and often. Before long, half of the company was interested in learning how they could spend their personal time contributing, and this dramatic increase in content with virtually no overhead led to many revenue opportunities that closed at a better rate than those from all their other channels.

In case it isn’t clear, the dynamic at play in this situation is competition, and it works very, very well. Creative people are much more competitive than most of us might think.

Whether your organization’s content team is staffed with part-time volunteers, internal subject matter experts with other full-time responsibilities, or a dedicated team of paid content creators, it’s very likely they will have a genuine and consistent interest in understanding the impact and value of the time they spend creating content. The great news is, once you have worked out the critical few metrics for your organization it’s a trivial task to segment your content marketing optimization efforts by a team, a content contributor, or even individual content items. The other great benefit to sharing numbers with contributors is they get a chance to see what works and what doesn’t. In a healthy environment, this should quickly set up a virtuous cycle of continuous improvement to the benefit of all parties.

Wrapping it all up

Hopefully this post has provided a few ideas on how to get started with taming the data dragon. This is no trivial task, so don’t be discouraged when you realize your content marketing optimization efforts have been focused on the wrong things. Part of setting up a data-driven content marketing team is promoting a culture of continued improvement, and this starts at the top. Give yourself permission to get started with measurement whether you are sure about what’s being measured or not. Also, get comfortable with the idea of gathering data from multiple sources. Clickstream analytics are only part of the picture.

In closing, we’d like to know: What are the critical few metrics by which you measure the value of your organization’s content marketing? What are the ways you’d like to measure? Is it a challenge to communicate ROI to leadership at your organization? What did I miss in this conversation?

Source – Content Marketing Optimization

5 Google+ Marketing Tips From the Pros

Are you struggling to figure out how to use Google+ to market your business?

Looking for some tips and ideas? You’ve come to the right place.

We asked 5 experienced social media professionals to share their best tips on Google+ for business with you.

Here are 5 ways you can use Google+ to promote and market your business.

google plus marketing tips

Check out the latest tips to improve your Google+ marketing.

#1: Close Off Google+ Comments to Increase Engagement

Here is one of my favorite tips for people who are more intermediate to advanced users on Google+.

Knowing the system:

When someone has comments on a post, they will receive a notification each time someone comments on that post after them. As such, comments are a powerful way of punctuating people’s attention.


Knowing this, you can use this to have ‘the last word’ on your comment threads, and get engagement from the right people. That is one of the great things about Google+, you really have a lot of control as to who and how people engage with you.

How to close off comments on your threads:

Simply click on the upper right of one of your posts and choose ‘disable comments’.

how to close comments google plus

What to say once you close off comments:

Now you know how to close off comments, you need to decide how you would like to use them.

As you can see in the example below, I am letting people know the next steps for the campaign I am running at that point in time.

when you close off comments

Mention why you have closed off comments.

How to see who has plussed the comment, and why!

If you click on the plus ones for a comment you can see who has plussed.

But here is the great thing: you can then look to add them people into circles as you may well find they are some of your best engagers. From there you can build the relationship further.

who plussed the comment

Look to add people into your circles.

An extra tip…

If you re-enable the comments, you can add an additional message and notify the people on that thread another time. A great way to market a new idea to people who related to the old one.

Martin Shervington is a Google+ marketing expert, consultant and executive coach. He manages two communities on Google+, Plus Your Life! and Plus Your Business! and has authored numerous books including Developmental Coaching.

#2: Leverage Google+ Hovercards to Grow Your Audience

Every marketer wants to grow their audience on Google+. A larger Google+ audience leads to more reach inside the network and ultimately more traffic and potential customers to your business.

Unfortunately, many marketers are getting overwhelmed trying to keep their Google+ stream filled with fresh content in the hopes this will attract +1′s, reshares and new connections.

These marketers are making one critical mistake. The most effective way to grow your audience on Google+ doesn’t involve creating your own posts. Instead focus on commenting.

Google+ users can scroll over any other users name, anywhere inside of Google+ and a hover card will appear.

ryan hanley google plus hovercard

A hover card will appear once you scroll over a user’s name within Google+.

The existence of hovercards removes the necessity to create original content (at least as often as on other social networks). This is why I highly recommend a Google+ commenting strategy (similar to the old-school blog commenting strategy) for building new relationships and driving traffic to your site.

Enter terms relevant to your business in the search bar at the top of every Google+ page. The results will return Google+ users, public posts, communities and Hangouts on Air which match your interests.

Next start engaging. Add valuable comments to the public posts. Join and engage in the community discussions. Attend and participate in the Hangouts on Air. From your comments in these locations over Google+ users can simply hover over you name and add you to their circles (which they’ll happily do if you’re adding value to the conversation).

Ryan Hanley, founder of Hanley Media Lab.

#3: Schedule Your Google+ Posts for Maximum Impact

When you find great content you want to share on your Google+ personal profile it doesn’t make sense to share it all at the same time. Instead it’s better to add it to a queue and share at an appropriate time.

The Chrome DoShare plugin is a free plugin which allows you to share content at a time that suits your audience.

When you come across a piece of content on the web you can click on the DoShare button in your browser and add it to a queue.

You can also add content you find in Google+ to your queue by clicking on the DoShare button.

click on the do share button

Click on the DoShare button to add content to your queue.

Due to limitations on Google+ for posting on personal profiles, you need to have your Chrome browser open at the time you have scheduled the content to be delivered.

This is not a bad thing, as I’d advise you to only post content at a time you are available to respond to it. But you can queue up your scheduled content or just add content without a schedule and send it when it suits.

Ian Cleary, founder of Razorsocial.

#4: Use Your Google+ Profile to Claim Authorship of Your Content

If you write content for various online blogs and publications, be sure to use your Google+ profile to claim authorship of each piece of content you write. Also, regardless of whether you own a website or not, sign up for Google Webmaster Tools using the same Google account as your Google+ profile.

This will allow you to see analytics data for the posts linked to your Google+ profile, including impressions in search, click through rates, and more. Just look under the Labs menu for Author Stats!

author stats

You can see analytics data for the posts linked to your Google+ profile.

Since you generally can’t get analytics data for the content you write on sites other than your own, this can give you a little insight on the popularity of your content in search.

Kristi Hines is a freelance writer and author of Kikolani.

#5: Make Sure Your Images Take Up Significant Real Estate

One of the secrets for success on Google Plus is not just sharing images that capture attention, it’s also making images that are tall and skinny so they take up significant real estate.

Don’t make the mistake that many newbies make, and allow Google Plus to grab an image from the link you’re sharing. Go the extra step and take a couple of extra minutes to create gorgeous, visually appealing, tall and skinny images for your content shares.

Looking at the images below, which would capture your attention?

capture attention image

Which would capture your attention?

Yes, the tall and skinny one, with images of people and attractive colors, would definitely win.

Experiment with different image sizes and colors to see what performs best. If you find images that aren’t the right size, use a tool like Canva or PicMonkey to resize your images and to make them more visually appealing.

Source – 5 Google+ Marketing Tips



How Press Requests Can Be A Link Building Gold Mine

Building genuinely powerful and authoritative links isn’t easy. Sure, there are tons of ways to build links, but how many of these techniques actually enable you to gain real editorial mentions from top tier websites?

The answer: not many.

Press Request Link Building

Getting a link from a leading publication within your industry can’t even be compared to something like a link from a directory, even if that directory is DMOZ. That’s because editorial links from industry-relevant publications hold so much more value than just the link equity. Such benefits include social media exposure, brand awareness, targeted referral traffic and, ultimately, direct conversion potential (to name a few).

What I’m going to talk about within this article isn’t necessarily a new technique, but it will go into detail on the approach I take to get results from press request link building (in a way that can be scaled). I’ll show you the tools that I use, the techniques that I’ve refined over the years and how to make the best use of your time for maximum results.

What Are Press Requests?

If you haven’t used press request services before, then you’re really missing out. In a nutshell, they are platforms that allow journalists to connect with brands, bloggers and agencies in order to get input into their upcoming articles.

This could be in the shape of a simple comment on a topic, an extra reading resource, a review product or a full article. There are all sorts of ways that they’re used, but more importantly, they’re used by major publications all over the world.

I even use them when I’m searching for input into some of my articles if I’m looking for a giveaway prize on some of my other blogs (here’s an example).

There are tons of different services that you can use, but here are a few for you to check out. They’re a mixture of paid and free services:

Getting Organised

Once you’ve signed up to a few of these services, you’ll soon start to realise the sheer amount of emails you will receive from journalists each day. On average, I receive around 200, and I only use a couple of these services.

If you’re not organised, then you’ll end up missing opportunities.

Another thing worth mentioning at this stage is that time really is of the essence. Most journalists will want quick input on their requests — we’re talking hours, not days here — so you need a process in place for responding to requests.

If you’ve got a whole PR team at your disposal then this becomes a lot easier as you can have different people watching out for different topics at different times of the day. This is the ideal situation. I’m not going to presume that everyone has this though, so for the purposes of this article, I’ll assume that you’re just an individual with no other resources.

Here’s how I set my emails up:

  1. Create separate folders within your inbox for each of the different services you use (i.e., ResponseSource, HARO, Muck Rack, etc.).
  2. Create rules for any new emails from each of these services to go into their allocated folders.
  3. Create sub-folders underneath each main folder that are broken down into different topics. For example, I have folders marked as Small Business, SEO, Social Media, Blogging, etc.
  4. Once you’ve created these sub-folders, create rules on any of the emails that include keywords related to each topic to be filed under the relevant sub-folder. For example, any request mentioning SEO will go into my SEO sub-folder. I also exclude any emails from going into the folders that mention competitions or review products (this avoids me getting irrelevant requests). This may not be the case for you, though.
  5. The final thing that I do is create rules on any of the emails from these services that will flag an email that comes through from a publication that I’m targeting. In my case, I have alerts for any PR requests that come through from Forbes, The Guardian, The Financial Times and a few others.

This will only take around 15 minutes to configure, and it will seriously increase your effectiveness at both identifying potential PR opportunities and being able to respond to them.

Useful: Check out these guides on how to set up email rules within Microsoft Outlook and Gmail.

Taking it a Step Further

Building on mail alerts, I take this a little further for really important requests that I want to ensure I can respond to. This part I do through using IFTTT (If This Then That).

If you’re anything like me, you don’t end up spending a lot of time behind your desk. I’m usually on the move a lot throughout the week, so staying on top of PR requests can be tricky to say the least — even when I’ve got all my email folders sorted out.

Using IFTTT, I get an SMS sent to my cell phone whenever I receive an email from HARO requesting input on an article focused around SEO. You can use the recipe I created here to get this set up quickly.

My IFTTT recipe

I’ve also added a draft email response template into my iPhone/iPad notes so that when I receive the SMS, I can quickly check the email, replace a few fields in my response template and get it sent over to the journalist as quickly as possible. Perfect for when I’m on the move!

How To Respond To Requests

Once you’ve got everything set up so that you can respond as quickly as possible, you need to know how best to respond to requests. I’ve been responding to requests for several years now and have refined my process a lot over this time.

Each week, I’ll get between 3-4 editorial mentions from PR requests from about 2 hours of my time. Considering that these mentions have come from the likes of Forbes, TechRadar and Yahoo, that’s not a bad ROI.

My mention within TechRadar

Here are some pointers for responding to journalists:

  • Do not phone them unless they specifically stated they wanted to be called. This is a huge bugbear of many journalists (just check out Alice Troung’s response in this article from BuzzSumo).
  • Use the name of the service they contacted you through within the email subject, along with the topic of their request. For example, “HARO: Comments on article surrounding the fracking industry”.
  • Don’t mention links at all (you can do this at a later stage).
  • Open the email with a small intro as to who you are (about two sentences).
  • Give them what they want within the first email. If they want comments for their article, don’t just send them an email saying you can get them; actually send them over in the first email (I usually send over 4/5 bullet points).
  • Make sure that you send over content that can easily be plugged into their article with as little editing as possible (if it doesn’t quite fit then it could be a lost opportunity).
  • Add in clear contact details to get back in touch with you, along with your social profiles.
  • If you’re responding via Twitter, be sure to give them your email to get in touch directly or offer to DM them details.

In terms of timing, I always respond as quickly as possible. This should be balanced out with the time it will take to deliver a good, quality response — there’s no point responding really quickly with a crappy contribution.

Source – How Press Requests Can Be A Link Building Gold Mine



Twitter opens app install ads to all advertisers

Twitter just opened app install ads to all advertisers. Say that three times fast.

The install ad comes with a variety of targeting options including keywords, gender, location, and mobile platform – especially important when it comes to app downloads.

The Promoted Tweet includes room for some text that you can either write or pull from your app download page. There’s a nice photo and a good sized install button.

Twitter Mobile App InstallAfter a user clicks to install, Twitter will show them an install complete message with a prompt to open the app. Seems intuitive but I’ve been known to download an app and then forget about it. Once you have them hooked, you want to keep the excitement going with an instant open.

You can also set up the ad with deep-linking. Twitter uses Spotify as an example showing how they can target fans who mention a singer’s name then link them straight to that singer’s page on the app. Brilliant.

On the back-end, Twitter provides a conversion tracking tool that lets you see how many people clicked, how many apps were opened and how many people took further action such as registering or making an in-game purchase.

Of course, Twitter has quotes from several beta testers who are wildly enthusiastic about the results and though that sounds sarcastic, I don’t doubt their validity. The one thing that always surprises me about Twitter ads is how well they both blend in and stand-out. Crazy, right.

Last night, I was skimming my Twitter feed when I saw a Tweet from a company doing something that fit right in with what I’m doing! Imagine that. So I clicked to check out the site and then reTweeted their offer. Only then did I notice that it was actually a Promoted Tweet. Yes, I clicked and shared an ad before I realized it was an ad. How about that? Ad or not, the information was valuable to me and I thought it would be valuable to others, so I shared. That’s how social media advertising should work.

Visit here full view on this topic



Minus One for Google+ as Vic Gundotra leaves – What Comes Next?

Where Google+ heads next is the universal thought spread after Vic Gundotra, the head of platform has announced his exit from Google. The platform though surviving as a back-stage of Google has been doing fairly well for business as well as social circles. In the last reports, Vic reported 540 million active users, which apparently describes a well grown state of Google+.

Vic Gundotra Google+

What’s next for Google+?

Vic Gundotra has been associated with Google+ for past 8 years known as the father of this social product. Now that he parts ways with Google, sall wish to know who will take charge of the products that he has directed for years. Expected changes include following:

  • Sources tell that the customary requirement of Google+ integration for Google products may no longer be there
  • Google is supposed to be reshuffling about 1000 of its employees (the core of Google+ team) but there is no formal announcement on who’s taking his place. Only Gmail will continue to have it.

Google+ has been making number of efforts in recent past to offer better user experience with introduction of new elements and features. Yet again the search giant seems determined to focus on its users, as is evident from a remark by one of its representatives;

“Today’s news has no impact on our Google+ strategy — we have an incredibly talented team that will continue to build great user experiences across Google+, Hangouts and Photos.”

Ably Soft views this moment as catalyst and hopes that the further journey of Google+ opens more avenues for social bees who are there to broaden their circles. Our Social Media experts view this as an important point for Googlers who love to broaden their circles as many positive developments are expected.

Matt Cutts Answers How Google Authority Check Works To Separate Popularity & True Authority?

Google web spam head, Matt Cutts talks about Google authority & popularity in his latest video. Here’s the question he has taken up this time:

As Google continues to add social signals to algorithm, how do you separate simple popularity from true authority?

What Matt tells about popularity vs. authority on Google?

It is frustrating that PageRank is considered as a measure of popularity which is not true at all. Popularity, reputation & authority can be separated but when it comes to how Google algorithm matches queries with your site then it can be assumed this way:

If it’s the topical version of PageRank you can see how many of your links are talking about a search query. If there are many links then you are topical (of immediate relevance) & considered as an authority for that particular query.

Also Read: Google Update Predictions for 2014

What the video tells about new Algorithmic changes?

Matt says “We actually have some algorithmic changes that try to figure out, ‘Hey, this site is a better match for something like a medical query’, and I’m looking forward to those rolling out, because a lot of people have worked hard so that you don’t just say, ‘Hey, this is a well-known site, therefore it should match for this query’. It’s ‘this is a site that actually has some evidence that it should rank for something related to medical queries,’ and that’s something where we can improve the quality of the algorithms even more”.

Do you come under Google authority websites?

Yes, certainly if your site cover the topics being searched.  It looks like Google is shifting focus to topics for deciding true authority of a site. Matt has been talking about the value of topics earlier too, especially when it is a guest blog and this time too he has stressed on topics relevance for site authority.

How to increase a website’s Google authority?

Ask Experts

Crux of the Video

Popularity & authority have nothing to do with each other when it comes to Google search algorithm. Porn sites being most popular and Gov. Sites still being more authoritative than them truly explains this, as quoted by Matt too. So, being popular within a topic & being authoritative within a topic are two different things. Google has a way to separate both & is working on making its algorithm better for showing sites that match with search queries.

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